Blackpowder Chronicles Wiki

The Halcanni Pantheon was the dominant religion of Halcann before the Age of Unraveling, the pantheon was a combination of local gods and was widely spread through the efforts of the Damerian Republic and the Phoenix Empire.

The Pantheon met success due to its acceptance of foreign gods, as people joined the republic/empire their gods were absorbed into the Pantheon, some became gods in their own right while some were 'proven' to be avatars of existing deities and all were incorporated into the Halcanni Creation Myth.

By the time of Jaher's death the Halcanni Pantheon had truly earned its name, sharing deities from Cannor, Escann, Gerud and Sarhal.

The Triune

Castellos - God of Justice and Kings

Agrados - God of War

Astralania - God of Magic and Knowledge (Eaten by Malliath)


Halanna - Goddess of Earth and Family

Uelos - God of the Sea and Wisdom

Triunite Children

Castellos and Halanna


Yorena - Goddess of Love and Beauty

Agrados and Halanna

Nerat - God of Death

Falah - Goddess of the Hunt

Astralania and Uelos

The Dame - Goddess of Harvest (and later, Magic and Wisdom)

Castellos and Volaya

Mediron - God of Medicine

Ascended Deities

Volaya - Goddess of Fertility and Light

Munas Moonsinger - God of Music and Travel

Corin - avatar of Agrados and new God of War

Nathalyne - avatar of The Dame and Goddess of Thieves and Shadows
